Language has borders, health knows no boundaries.

Everyone possesses their own unique approach to a healthy lifestyle, including distinct dietary methods. Humans are not products of a factory; even a one-in-a-billion difference in our DNA can lead to significantly varied physical expressions.

Living in different countries and regions exposes humans to diverse environmental temperatures and humidities. Some reside in high-altitude mountains, while others live in fertile, expansive plains. This leads to varied dietary cultures, which should be respected without discrimination. Notably, longevity differs across regions, as seen in Japan, known for its high life expectancy.

We honor these cultural differences and embrace the dietary customs of different nations. When our bodies exhibit problems or warning signals, we can learn from effective practices in our own or other regions. This includes adopting specific dietary patterns that influence our health, such as ketogenic, carnivore, vegetarian, or low-carb diets. We can also learn from traditional Chinese health practices like herbal formulas and acupuncture, and from Japanese dietary staples like natto, a superfood linked to longevity. Why not consider incorporating such foods into our diets, despite their unique tastes?

In the United States, various surveys and studies indicate that half or more of the adult population regularly consumes one or more types of health supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbal or botanical products, and other dietary supplements. This means that out of the 332-333 million U.S. population, over 160 million people regularly use these products. As of 2023, based on United Nations and other international demographic data and forecasts, the global population is estimated at around 7.8 billion. If the American habit of consuming dietary supplements is beneficial, other countries could adopt this practice. If it positively influences the global population and extends the average lifespan, it would indeed be a cause for celebration.

If there exists a reliable dietary habit or a scientifically proven beneficial dietary supplement suitable for others, my mission is to share these methods and products. This includes health-promoting foods like natto or traditional Chinese remedies that can rapidly improve health. This is the purpose behind establishing this website. I invite everyone to support me, bookmark my website, or follow my YouTube channel, where I strive to create more excellent videos to help a broader audience.