Interpretation and analysis of Chinese research on glutathione

Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of the jembon health channel. I’m jembon.

Previously, I talked about glutathione in an episode. This episode mainly revises and supplements the content that was not covered in the last episode. If you just want to know whether glutathione can be supplemented to combat aging, I have researched over 50 studies on glutathione. I am also taking glutathione myself, and I can tell you in advance that glutathione can help you resist aging. Moreover, there are no side effects when taken in normal doses, so you can take it with confidence, and it can also whiten and remove spots. That’s the conclusion.

For the rest of the time, I will fully analyze glutathione. I will slowly talk about glutathione, but the content of this episode still can’t cover everything. For example, the comparison between glutathione and NAC, and which one is better, questions like these will be addressed in my next video. You can follow me, and it will be easier to find me when I post my next video.

Okay, let’s slowly talk about glutathione.

Glutathione is mainly composed of three amino acids – glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. The commonly found form in the market is reduced glutathione, also known as GSH.

GSH is known as a longevity factor and anti-aging factor. Countries like Japan have been using GSH as a bioactive additive since the 1950s and have actively developed its application in the production of health foods.

Glutathione plays several important physiological roles in our body, which can be summarized into the following three main aspects:

Antioxidant function: The antioxidant function of glutathione can be understood with a simple analogy: it’s like an electron donor within the body, helping to balance and neutralize harmful substances.

In our bodies, there are substances called oxygen free radicals, which are positively charged and a factor in cellular aging. These oxygen free radicals lack negative electrons, so they seek negative electrons in the body to stabilize. In this process, they can damage our body’s DNA, proteins, and other important biomolecules.

Glutathione acts like a molecule with negative electrons. Once it enters the body, it can provide negative electrons to those oxygen free radicals lacking them. In doing so, glutathione helps the oxygen free radicals stabilize, reducing their damage to cells. This process helps protect our cells from oxidative damage, thus helping to slow down the cellular aging process, keeping the body healthy, and preventing aging.

For example, just like iron rusts when it contacts oxygen, our cells age because of oxygen free radicals. Glutathione’s role is to provide necessary electrons to oxygen free radicals, stabilizing them, and thus delaying aging.

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Immune modulation: Clinical experiments have shown that glutathione plays a significant role in enhancing human immunity. Increased levels of glutathione in the body not only benefit the immune system but also help improve the functions of the digestive, respiratory systems, and metabolism.

The way glutathione enhances immunity can be understood as follows: First, it helps maintain the effectiveness of antioxidants in the body (such as vitamins C and E). Antioxidants play a key role in protecting our bodies from free radical damage. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and tissues. When antioxidants neutralize free radicals, they themselves become a more unstable form.

At this point, glutathione plays its crucial role. It provides the necessary negative electrons to these unstable molecules, stabilizing them, thereby reducing their potential harm to the body. In this way, glutathione not only helps fend off the damage from free radicals but also helps restore the activity of other antioxidants, further enhancing the function of the immune system. In short, glutathione is an important factor in maintaining health and boosting immunity.

Detoxification: Simply put, glutathione is a substance that helps our body resist harmful substances. It can work with other drugs to protect our liver and kidneys from the damage of these drugs. For example, some cancer treatments may be harmful to the liver and kidneys, but using glutathione can reduce this damage. Glutathione can also be used with riboflavin (vitamin B2) to help prevent cancer caused by air pollution and ultraviolet rays. Recent studies have also found that glutathione may be helpful in the prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Prevention of general cellular damage Glutathione is a powerful substance that protects our cells from damage. It works by combating free radicals, which, if uncontrolled, can damage our cells. Glutathione converts these harmful free radicals into harmless substances, which are then excreted from the body. It can neutralize many carcinogens and prevent the formation of free radicals. Studies have shown that people who eat fresh fruits and vegetables rich in glutathione have a half-lower risk of oral cancer than others.

Targeting dangerous fats in the body It helps process and eliminate bad fats in our intestines, especially those that are spoiled or oxidized. These fats produce many free radicals, which attack our cells and are bad for the body. Glutathione helps us avoid the harm of eating spoiled fats.

When these bad fats enter cells, glutathione destroys them. If we have enough glutathione in our body, it can destroy all these bad fats and prevent them from entering the bloodstream.

However, if there is too little glutathione in our stomachs or we consume too much spoiled fat, or both situations exist simultaneously, then our body’s defense mechanisms will fail. At that time, harmful fats will spread in the body, accelerating the aging process.

Prevention and treatment of diabetes Scientists at Duke University in the United States conducted a study on glutathione.

First, they found that increasing the content of glutathione in the body can reduce harmful free radicals (these are small molecules that can damage cells), helping to restore the body’s normal ability to process sugar, thereby lowering blood sugar levels. This means that glutathione may be very helpful in treating or preventing diabetes.

Then, the study also found that glutathione can prevent cholesterol in the blood from being damaged and spoiled, protect the lungs from free radical damage, and may even help prevent cancer and some eye diseases, especially in the elderly.

In addition, glutathione has a special ability; besides providing the required electrons, it also helps process heavy metals and other toxic substances in the body. If glutathione finds harmful substances in the body, such as mercury, arsenic, or viruses, it will surround them and then transport them to the liver, eventually being excreted through the intestines. Glutathione is also important for clearing fat from the liver and neutralizing harmful oxygen molecules. Most importantly, it can prevent cancer and help repair liver cells. For certain diseases, such as psoriasis, fatty liver, and elevated liver enzymes, supplementing glutathione is also considered beneficial.

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Next, we will explore why it is called reduced glutathione.

There is a substance called glutathione in our bodies, which acts like a little sweeper, helping us clean up “the ‘bad things’ in our body, like oxygen free radicals. Oxygen free radicals are like tiny troublemakers in our body that can damage our cells.

The way glutathione works is special. It gives its negative electrons to the oxygen free radicals and then disappears. Interestingly, when two used glutathione molecules combine, they can revert to a complete glutathione molecule and be reused. This is like a self-repair ability, allowing them to be used many times in our body.

We can produce some glutathione in our body by eating vegetables and fruits, but the number of uses of glutathione produced in this way is limited. Naturally occurring glutathione, however, can be reused many times, helping us clear many oxygen free radicals.

Glutathione is present in every cell of our body, but it is most abundant in the liver. The liver contains much more glutathione than other organs like the skin or muscles.

As we age, our body’s ability to produce glutathione decreases because the liver ages. The liver is the main place for producing glutathione, and its reduced function means that the amount of glutathione, our body’s sweeper, will decrease. When it decreases, toxins may accumulate in the body because there is not enough glutathione to clean them up, which could lead to various health problems.

Glutathione is a substance with many health benefits. It is particularly helpful for people with insulin resistance problems because it can increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin. This is because glutathione can help cleanse the liver, which is the main organ controlling insulin activity. Cleaning the liver may reduce dependence on diabetes medication.

In addition, glutathione can improve vascular health and may be helpful for patients with autism and Parkinson’s disease. This is mainly because it can remove heavy metals from the brain and other organs, which is very important for these diseases.

Glutathione is also helpful for people with immune system problems and can promote skin health, being beneficial for whitening and spot removal. It also helps protect the health of the brain and heart because it can neutralize harmful substances in these organs, thereby combating aging.

Overall, if you have liver problems, insulin resistance, or want to enhance your body’s antioxidant capacity, glutathione might be a good choice. It has great potential in maintaining health and preventing diseases.

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To improve the absorption of glutathione, we can take some simple measures:

Eat foods containing cysteine: Cysteine is one of the components of glutathione, so eating foods rich in cysteine, such as chicken, fish, beans, and dairy products, can help our body produce more glutathione.

Consider taking glutathione supplements; friends who need it can browse my blog, where I will provide links to related products at the end of the blog post.

Avoid smoking and drink less alcohol: Smoking and drinking can lower glutathione levels in our bodies, so try to avoid these unhealthy habits.

Eat foods containing glutathione precursors: Nutrients like sulfur, vitamin C, and vitamin E can help our body produce glutathione, so ensuring our diet is rich in these nutrients can help increase glutathione levels.

Consider some natural foods or herbs: Some foods and herbs, such as onions, garlic, milk thistle, and licorice, are thought to help our body produce more glutathione. So, consider adding them to our diet.

Finally, I’ll summarize:

Glutathione is a very effective substance in combating aging. It is a particularly powerful anti-aging component found in nature and is a type of amino acid. In our body, glutathione mainly functions to resist the damage of free radicals. Free radicals are substances that can damage cells, and glutathione acts like a defensive weapon in the body, helping to protect our cells from such damage. It is a very powerful and versatile antioxidant naturally produced by the body, which helps protect every cell, tissue, and organ of ours. The level of glutathione affects the speed of our aging and the risk of chronic diseases. In short, it is an important substance that protects our health and delays aging.


Glutathione is so strong, is there anything better than directly supplementing glutathione, such as supplementing the glutathione precursor NAC?

Are there any downsides to supplementing glutathione?

Other derivative questions about combining other health supplements

For these three questions and other derivative questions, please follow me, and I will talk about them in other videos.

That’s all for this episode, see you next time.