Restore hair to original color | Hair nutrition | Shampoo | Black sesame

Hello everyone, welcome to a new episode of the Jembon Health Channel. I’m Jembon. Today, I want to discuss a topic with you, and that is gray hair. Before we start, I want to mention that our channel primarily shares health information. Language has boundaries, but health does not. No matter which country you are in, I am willing to share with you. If you like our channel, please remember to click the subscribe button in the bottom right corner. If you really enjoy the topics we discuss, please give us a like, click on the bell icon, and then share with your friends around you. If you are currently browsing using my personal website, then you can sponsor me, or click on the ads sponsoring me. This will enable me to produce more videos like this and help more people in need. Alright, let’s formally enter today’s topic and talk about how gray hair is formed.

Actually, if your physiological mechanism works this way, you’ll understand as I explain. Starting in your twenties and thirties, it’s common for people to have gray hair. Why some people have it and others don’t, I’ll talk about later. But usually, the process goes like this: if you start having gray hair at thirty, then every decade, your percentage of gray hair would increase by about twenty percent. For example, if you start having gray hair at thirty, by fifty, you would have about half gray hair. By sixty, it might not be half, but forty percent gray. Then by around sixty-five to sixty-six, about sixty to seventy percent of your hair would be gray. It increases by twenty percent every decade.
So, you know how the growth rate of gray hair is. Some people may have it faster, some slower. Of course, for men, like myself, I don’t mind gray hair much. But some people might choose to dye their hair for work needs. First of all, I have to say, if you use hair dye with strong chemicals, I generally don’t recommend it. There are actually some hair dyes with more natural ingredients on the market. Of course, in this episode, I’ll teach everyone how to improve the condition of gray hair, but it’s not effective for everyone, though many people have succeeded. For those who don’t succeed, if you really need to dye your hair, you can choose to use more natural hair dyes, avoiding chemical ones.
Next, I’ll explain why we have gray hair. We need to understand that the hair follicles of gray hair have a mechanism for producing melanin. There is a type of cell called melanocytes, which produce melanin. This process has two stages: the synthesis of two raw materials for melanin, one is Tyrosine, and the other is Dopa. After these two substances are synthesized, the hair follicles can produce melanin. Then, through the combination of these two stages, melanocytes produce melanin, making your hair grow out black. In fact, in this mechanism, usually after 30 years of age, this process begins to be disrupted. Why? Actually, everyone has a growth factor, which means that after 30 years of age, the entire body, not just the hair, will start to decline due to genetic programming. This is because genes have, to some extent, pre-set that a person after thirty, their physiological peak will pass. Everything starts to go downhill. Why does this happen? Actually, this situation is unavoidable. Because if a person continues to grow after 30, it is actually a disease, like gigantism, meaning the person will abnormally grow tall. But for normal people, after 30, all aspects of the body will start to decline. This means that some things no longer grow like before, including the cells in the hair that produce melanin. With age, these cells gradually lose their ability to produce melanin due to oxidative damage and other reasons.
Why do these cells lose their ability to produce melanin? This is mainly because, with age, the oxidative stress in the body increases, leading to a decline in the function of melanocytes. This is why as people age, their hair gradually turns gray. However, through some methods and lifestyle changes, we can slow down this process to some extent. For example, maintaining healthy eating habits, moderate exercise, avoiding excessive stress and anxiety, all help to keep the hair healthy. At the same time, choosing more natural hair dye products can reduce the chemical damage to the hair and scalp, helping to maintain the hair’s natural color.
Actually, to some extent, there are two factors. The first factor is hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂). Hydrogen peroxide is a substance naturally produced in the body’s oxidation process. When we dye or bleach our hair, like wanting to dye our hair gold or purple, we first need to remove the melanin in the hair, which is done through bleaching. The main component in the bleaching process is hydrogen peroxide.But because of the relationship with reactive oxygen species, our cells, especially those in the hair, are damaged by these reactive species, leading to the production of hydrogen peroxide.
Before the age of 30, the body’s hydrogen peroxide is usually inhibited by an enzyme called catalase. However, as I mentioned earlier, after the age of 30, various functions of the body begin to decline, including the ability to produce catalase. This means that as you age, the level of hydrogen peroxide in the body may rise because there is not enough catalase to break it down. This increase in hydrogen peroxide can damage the hair follicles and melanocytes, leading to gray hair.
So, as you age, graying hair is not only due to a decline in the function of melanocytes but may also be related to a decrease in the body’s ability to cope with oxidative stress. This also explains why some people’s hair turns gray faster as they age because their bodies may have more hydrogen peroxide and reactive oxygen species. By taking some measures to reduce oxidative stress, such as a healthy lifestyle and diet, we can help slow down this process to some extent.
If the level of catalase decreases, it can no longer effectively inhibit hydrogen peroxide. Thus, the melanocytes in the hair are damaged by hydrogen peroxide and begin to fail in producing melanin. The whole process is like this. If you understand this mechanism, things become simple. You just need to do a few things to lower the level of hydrogen peroxide and increase the activity of catalase, and your hair will turn back to black.
There are several ways to achieve this goal. First, the choice of shampoo is very important. The shampoo should contain two ingredients that can increase the activity of catalase and reduce the level of hydrogen peroxide. The first ingredient is “Ashwagandha” (also known as South African belladonna or Indian ginseng), and the second is curcumin. Shampoos containing these two ingredients are beneficial for increasing the activity of catalase and reducing the level of hydrogen peroxide.
I found a shampoo containing these ingredients. It is all-natural. Due to YouTube video policy, I cannot promote products, so I recommend you go to my website to view, and product links are placed at the bottom of the post. This shampoo contains a variety of herbal ingredients and is worth a try.
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Additionally, there are a few tricks when using shampoo. First, when washing your hair, it’s best to massage your scalp for a few minutes. Secondly, after washing your hair once, you should use the shampoo again for a second wash. Each time you wash your hair, you should use shampoo twice. This practice can more thoroughly cleanse the oil in the hair follicles, improve the scalp’s breathing and oxygen absorption capacity, and make the hair healthier. Including preventing hair loss and restoring black hair, can be improved by this method.
Apart from shampoo, there is also a supplement called amino acids. Taking 500mg of amino acids daily, you might feel the roots of your gray hair turning back to black after about a month. I will provide related links at the bottom of my blog website’s video post.
The third method is eating black sesame seeds. Eat about one and a half tablespoons every day, preferably before bedtime. However, if your stomach is not very good, be careful when consuming black sesame seeds. Black sesame seeds are beneficial for nourishing the kidneys, and Traditional Chinese Medicine believes this helps turn hair black. In addition to black sesame seeds, there is also He Shou Wu, but the preparation process for He Shou Wu is more complicated. Black sesame seeds are more convenient and also contain rich nutritional components. However, when eating black sesame seeds, it’s best to grind them first to make them easier to digest and absorb.
Combining the above methods, including amino acid supplements, natural shampoo, and black sesame seeds, you should feel the roots of your gray hair turning back to black in a month or two. Of course, not 100% of people will be successful. Some people might not see good results due to high stress, excessive smoking and drinking, poor nutrition, and other reasons. These situations may be more complicated, but for most people, combining these methods should improve their gray hair. Even if it cannot completely turn back to black, at least it won’t continue to worsen.
That’s all for this episode. If you have any questions, you can leave a comment below the video. Also, don’t forget to click the subscribe button in the bottom right corner, like, and share with friends around you who have gray hair problems. That’s all for today’s video, see you next time!
The content mainly focuses on how to slow down the process of hair turning gray through natural methods and products. The three methods mentioned include using specific ingredient shampoos, amino acid supplements, and consuming black sesame seeds. These approaches work by increasing the activity of catalase and reducing the level of hydrogen peroxide, thereby helping to restore the melanin in hair. It also emphasizes the techniques for using shampoo and the precautions to take when consuming black sesame seeds. Overall, these methods could be effective for many people, but the results may vary due to individual differences and other factors.

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Recommended product links:
shampoo: Juice Cleanse Supergreens & Adaptogens Shampoo

nutritional supplements : nowfoods lmethionine