Gastrointestinal ulcers, swollen gums, chronic illnesses, brain fog | Sluggish brain, acne, gastrointestinal diseases, persistent without cure, 80%-90% of people find relief by adding two things: Vitamin B12 and celery juice.

Hello everyone, welcome to a new episode of the jembon health channel. I’m jembon. In this episode, I want to discuss a very troublesome issue with everyone, and that is chronic diseases. Many people have been treated for a long time without improvement, and you may have seen many doctors. No matter what chronic disease you have, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid issues, or gastrointestinal diseases, etc., you might have seen many doctors, including traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, Western medicine doctors, and tried natural therapies, but never fully recovered. Some diseases are just like that, incurable. When you see a doctor, you might get better for a while, but then relapse. So, how should we deal with such situations?

Before we start discussing, I want to say that our channel mainly shares health information. Language has borders, health does not. No matter which country you are in, I am willing to share with you. If you like our channel, please remember to click the subscribe button in the lower right corner. If you really like the topics we discuss, please give us a like, and click on the bell icon, then share with your friends around you. If you are currently browsing using my blog, then you can sponsor me, or click to sponsor my ads. This will enable me to produce more such videos, and help more people in need. Alright, let’s officially enter today’s topic.

First, I want to ask everyone, does anyone have the following symptoms: always feeling very tired, and many women often say they feel extremely weak, not enough strength in the body, even after sleeping a lot they still feel insufficient. For example, when you are working, you always feel listless, or you have problems with constipation and lack of appetite, and don’t find food appealing. Do you have such conditions? Or have you recently experienced a sudden significant weight loss, and your hands and feet always feel numb as if pricked by needles. Sometimes when walking, there might be some balance issues, feeling dizzy. Many women suddenly feel faint, as if the world is spinning. I often receive messages on WhatsApp saying that they frequently feel dizzy and don’t know what to do. Additionally, there are issues with memory decline, like suddenly you remember something, but can’t recall it, feeling stuck.

Do you often have ulcers in your mouth, or swollen and painful gums? I know a friend, who suffers from ulcers for nearly three hundred days a year. Some people just frequently have this condition. Besides the constipation I mentioned earlier, if it’s not constipation, then it might be diarrhea. Chronic diseases are very difficult to treat. For example, if you have gastrointestinal ulcers, you may have seen Western medicine doctors, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, and tried natural therapies, but although symptoms are relieved during treatment, they never fully heal. No matter what disease it is, it can’t be cured; it gets better when seeing a doctor but worsens otherwise. Why is that? Gums might also swell, sometimes even bleeding.

Also, you might feel like your brain is sometimes shrouded in fog. This phenomenon is known as “brain fog,” which is the feeling that your brain suddenly becomes dull and unable to think clearly. If you have all the above symptoms, I dare to say that you might lack vitamin B12.

Now, let me introduce vitamin B12 in detail. Actually, most of us living in cities nowadays are lacking B12. You might have seen many doctors, but in fact, in my program, I have already talked many episodes, but there are still many issues. I find that although I have talked a lot before, there is some information I know that you might not know. This time, I will explain in detail a single topic, that is vitamin B12. What exactly is B12? If you have any illness that can’t be cured, apart from kidney disease, you should pay attention to the intake of vitamin B12. If you have kidney disease, be careful with B12.

If you have kidney disease, then you need to pay special attention. I am sure that everyone watching this video might have a deficiency of vitamin B12, even if your blood tests show normal B12 levels, it might still not be enough in your organs. Let me explain the function of B12: B12 is a substance necessary for the brain and neuron transmission. If you lack B12, your brain cannot effectively command all organs to perform various activities. The most important point is that lack of B12 affects the ability to produce red blood cells. If you have fewer red blood cells, almost all diseases are difficult to cure.

If you have any disease, it might have been almost cured but then relapsed, possibly due to this reason. I suggest everyone try supplementing with B12. In my last episode, I mentioned drinking celery juice. No matter what disease you have, I suggest you drink
a glass of celery juice on an empty stomach every morning. Listen to my previous episode about celery juice. Supplement with B12 daily, and I dare say, for most people, no matter what doctor you are seeing or what disease you are treating, by adding this small program to your treatment plan, I can say that about 80%-90% of the conditions will eventually be alleviated, like the final kick towards the goal, leading you on the path to recovery.

As a metaphor, imagine you are playing a soccer game, and you have been pushing forward, finally reaching the opponent’s goal. However, sometimes, your offense may be marked and blocked by the opponent’s defenders, and then the ball is kicked back to the backfield. In this situation, it’s like you need that “celery juice plus B12” final kick to score the goal. What I mean is, for about eighty to ninety percent of diseases, without needing to discuss in detail what you have suffered before, just these two things alone can cure many diseases. Just like I mentioned earlier, whether it’s the symptoms I just talked about, or things like acne, gastrointestinal diseases, etc., all sorts of tricky issues, you might have tried various methods, seen many doctors to no avail. You can try this method.

Why do I say this? Because no matter what problem your body has, such as gastrointestinal ulcers or sore throats, you might have tried many methods without being cured. You can try using B12, because if you lack B12, the inflamed parts of your body are difficult to heal. Your body might have many parts inflamed, whether it’s arthritis, swollen gums, or inflamed eyes, you might have tried many methods to stop the inflammation, like using quercetin, garlic, turmeric, etc.

You might have tried many methods, sometimes with better results, but then worsened again. This is like the final kick towards the goal in a soccer match, the key being the lack of energy. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this is interpreted as “weakness”. If you cannot replenish this kind of “qi”, you might never fully recover, no matter how you take medication. But if you increase the intake of vitamin B12, it’s like the final kick towards the goal, and you might successfully score.

Together with celery juice and B12, this is an unbeatable combination. I can say this, no matter what disease you are currently treating, I am not suggesting that everyone rely solely on these two things and abandon your current treatment plan. What I mean is, on top of your existing treatment, add these supplements. Or, if you feel that your previous treatment methods are ineffective, you can try abandoning them and solely using these two things for a trial. It can be said that about 80% of diseases can be improved in this way.

Indeed, vitamin B12 is an important topic. After many episodes of experience, I know that listeners often ask how to properly supplement B12. Now, let me talk about how you should supplement B12.

There are several ways to supplement vitamin B12. If your B12 levels are very low, it can lead to anemia. No matter your current condition, if you are listening to this program, you might already have some long-term minor ailments or some parts of your body with long-term minor inflammation. So what should you do?

Regarding the episode on celery juice, you can go back and watch that video on this channel for more details. I will provide related information and suggestions below the video to help you understand how to improve your health by drinking celery juice and supplementing with B12. Remember, supplementing B12 is an important step that can help you solve many long-term and complex health issues.

Next, I will explain in detail how to correctly use B12. There are several different forms of vitamin B12 supplements. Initially, the first form you can choose is in pill form, which is taken orally. The second form is through injection.

However, we will not discuss the injection method in depth here, because in reality, for supplementing B12, the oral form is usually more effective than injections. For example, if you are currently very anemic, the hospital might suggest giving you a B12 injection to rapidly supplement B12. But in such cases, you might want to refuse the injection and choose the oral supplement instead.

So, I suggest you take a B12 pill daily according to the recommended dosage. This can help you gradually improve anemia and other health issues caused by B12 deficiency. Remember, supplementing B12 is a long-term process, requiring continuous and stable intake. Also, don’t forget to listen to my episode on celery juice to learn how to further improve your health through your daily diet.

I want to clarify that I’m not suggesting that everyone should completely refuse B12 injections, but I do believe that oral supplementation is generally more effective. Let me explain why.

B12 is a very special substance. Some people may think that B12 deficiency is due to their vegetarian diet, indeed, many vegetarians lack B12, and this is a common misconception. But in fact, not just vegetarians, almost anyone can be deficient in B12.

Why is that? If you have the symptoms I mentioned earlier, such as feeling weak, often lacking energy, or having long-term minor inflammations that are difficult to heal, then you might be deficient in B12. For example, you might have been suffering from gastritis for a long time but never fully recovered, or your stool has been persistently shapeless. This might be because your gut is chronically inflamed.

If you go to a doctor, they might prescribe some anti-diarrheal drugs for you, and sometimes B12 supplements as well. But the problem is, you might take these medicines and the symptoms temporarily improve, but before long they relapse. Anti-diarrheal drugs and antibiotics might destroy the good bacteria in the gut, leading to further worsening of the condition.

So, the key is not what medicine you need to take, but that you need to supplement the “deficiency” in your body, which refers to the lack of B12. Suppose you are trying various therapies, whatever they are, from eating scorpions to drinking special water, I assume these therapies are effective. But if you never fully recover, the problem might be a lack of B12. B12 acts like a catalyst for medications, helping the body better absorb and utilize these therapies. You can think of B12 as a super battery; once charged, your body functions will operate more smoothly.

Give B12 supplementation a try and see if it brings a change to your health.

Regarding the forms of B12 supplementation, I mentioned earlier there are two: pills (oral form) and injections. Below this video, I have placed a link where you can find some high-quality B12 supplement brands.

Why emphasize choosing a good brand? This is because the absorption method of B12 is crucial. When you take B12 orally, it is released in the gut, especially at the very end of the small intestine. There, B12 undergoes a chemical reaction with certain bacteria, which helps in the generation of B12, allowing the body to absorb it.

In contrast, if you choose injectable B12, this process is bypassed. This means that although B12 is directly injected into the body, the body may not be able to effectively absorb it, which could lead to some issues. So, don’t think that going to the hospital for an injection is the best choice; the doctor’s recommended approach is not always the most effective. Although injections seem fast, in terms of B12 supplementation, the oral form is usually more effective because it supports the body’s natural absorption process.

Regarding the amount and form of vitamin B12 supplements, some specific suggestions have been provided. Vitamin B12 dosage is typically measured in micrograms (mcg), with 1,000 mcg equal to 1 milligram (mg).

For those who have never supplemented with B12, especially if they have severe symptoms of anemia, it is recommended to take 1,000 mcg of vitamin B12 both morning and evening for the first week. For those without obvious symptoms, just wanting to maintain health, they can take 1,000 mcg of vitamin B12 daily for the first week.

For those with long-term chronic conditions, it is suggested to take one B12 pill both morning and evening for the first two weeks, regardless of whether it’s on an empty stomach or after a meal. At the same time, drink a glass of celery juice as the first thing every morning.

In the second or third week, adjust the dosage according to individual conditions. If unsure, you can start taking one B12 pill daily from the second week and continue for two weeks. Then, from the third or fourth week onwards, take one B12 pill every three days and maintain this in the long term.

It’s important to emphasize that vitamin B12 should not be discontinued. Although some foods like eggs, chicken, and salmon are considered sources of B12, in reality, due to the excess hormones in today’s food, it’s hard to meet your B12 needs through diet alone. Therefore, don’t expect to get all the B12 you need from food. In fact, most people are deficient in B12, which is one of the reasons why many people’s long-term illnesses are difficult to cure.

Take the United States as an example, out of over 300 million people, about 250 million lack B12, indicating that B12 deficiency is a widespread and serious issue. Many of these people have long-term chronic diseases. Therefore, proper B12 supplementation is crucial for maintaining health.

I want to emphasize again, if you drink a glass of freshly squeezed celery juice first thing in the morning and then supplement with B12 once a day, and continue this for a month, I dare say 80% of your diseases will improve. Suppose you currently have many diseases, such as joint pain, bleeding gums, gum recession, frequent eye inflammation, frequent nosebleeds, qi deficiency (such as feeling weak when climbing stairs), and frequent fatigue. There are also some diseases, like various inflammations, ulcers, rhinitis, etc., that you might have tried many methods to cure without success.

I suggest you try the method I just mentioned: drink celery juice and supplement with B12 daily for thirty days. Even if you have multiple diseases at the same time, please try this method. After a month, come back and tell me about your situation; you can leave a comment below.

I want to reiterate, my personal experience proves that by drinking a glass of freshly squeezed celery juice first thing in the morning and then supplementing with B12 once a day, after a month, I almost solved all my health problems, about 10 issues were completely resolved. This is not boasting, nor learned from books, but from my personal experience. This includes joint pain, bleeding gums, and so on, solving about 10 issues at once, not one by one.

I have carefully selected B12 products for you, and you can find the purchase links in the link below the video. The brand I recommend is not only because it contains B12 but also includes probiotics, which are very useful in the small intestine, and other products may not contain these probiotics. So I often recommend it because its effects are really good, helping the body to produce B12. I also often use this brand’s probiotics and B12, so I recommend it to everyone.

Regarding how to find this product, you can see an “Show more” option below the video. Clicking on it will reveal the purchase links I recommend. Price-wise, this B12 product is very affordable, about 100 yuan for 30 pills, which is enough for one to two months of use. Don’t skimp on this small amount of money; buying good products is really worth it. Remember, B12 needs to be taken long-term because you are definitely deficient in B12.

If you have any health issues, such as long-term chronic diseases, whether it’s eczema, psoriasis, or other problems, and if you have been halfway through treatment but always unable to fully heal, please try the method I just mentioned and stick with it for 30 days. After a month, come back and tell me your results. I sincerely hope everyone can cure their long-standing health issues through these two methods.

I fully understand the hardships and despair of long-term patients. You might have tried many methods and listened to many people’s advice, including natural therapies, etc. Initially, you might have been full of hope to heal yourself, but in the end, trying one method doesn’t work, then another also doesn’t work. Although some methods may be effective, the problem is that you lack the final player to kick the ball into the dragon gate. In fact, you have already reached the dragon gate; you just lack that player. This time I’m telling everyone about this player, so you don’t have to grope and try anymore. I will not give up on this method, B12 needs to be supplemented forever because you definitely lack it.

If you give up on B12, it may lead to a recurrence of the illness. So, this is the final step. I sincerely hope everyone can recover soon and be happy. If you try this method, no matter what disease you cured, you can leave a message below to tell me, and I will be very happy. I hope I can truly help everyone.

If you want to understand the content in the video description, just click on “Show more” below the video. There, I will place all relevant links. And you will see the same video on my blog. You can find the related links at the bottom of my blog post.

That’s all for this episode, if you like our channel, remember to click subscribe in the lower right corner, give me a like, click the subscription bell, share it with friends who need it, that’s all for this episode, see you in the next one.