How to deal with tinnitus? Say no to anti-inflammatories and antibiotics

Hello everyone, welcome to a new episode of the Jembon Health Channel. I’m Jembon. Today’s content is about tinnitus, as requested by our viewers. If you like our channel, please remember to click the subscribe button in the bottom right corner. If you really like the topics we discuss, please give us a like, click on the little bell icon, and share with your friends. Due to certain policies, the video you’re watching now might be deleted or taken down because it touches upon the interests of certain rights departments or interest groups. You can also browse my blog, where you can sponsor me or click on the ads to sponsor me. This will enable me to produce more videos like this and help more people in need. Now, let’s get into today’s topic.

First, let’s understand what tinnitus is. Tinnitus is when you constantly hear a buzzing or high-frequency sound in one ear, which can be very troubling. For some people, tinnitus is so severe that they can’t hear anything in one ear. They might have to use the other ear for phone calls because of the constant buzzing in one ear. If you have tinnitus, it’s actually very hard because it bombards you 24 hours a day. You really want to turn off that sound, but you can’t.

There are many causes of tinnitus. I’ll talk about the lighter causes first, then the more serious ones. The lightest cause might be an infection of your inner ear and auditory nerve. Sometimes doctors can’t find the reason. As I’ve mentioned in previous videos, many times it’s due to the EB virus. If the EB virus infects the auditory nerve, you might experience tinnitus, which is a mild inflammation. Normal sound travels through the cochlea to the brain. If there’s mild inflammation in any part of this process, you’ll have tinnitus. When your brain receives this information, you’ll hear that buzzing sound.

So, how do you deal with tinnitus? Western medicine might prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, etc. Usually, doctors will tell you that tinnitus can’t be cured and you might have to live with it for the rest of your life. They’ll ask you to accept your tinnitus because there’s no way to deal with it. But actually, there are many methods that can be tried.

Today, I will introduce a few methods to everyone. If your tinnitus isn’t due to infection, it might be due to more serious issues like nasopharyngeal carcinoma, acoustic neuroma, or Meniere’s disease. These conditions are rare, so I won’t focus specifically on these reasons. Although many people have tinnitus, not everyone has nasopharyngeal carcinoma or acoustic neuroma. These reasons are relatively serious, and your tinnitus might be severe, but doctors won’t tell you it’s due to nasopharyngeal carcinoma right away. They usually start with milder symptoms, possibly prescribing antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Even if no problems are found after an examination, the tinnitus might not improve. But if your tinnitus isn’t caused by these three reasons, Western medicine usually can’t deal with it.

I’ve received many questions from listeners about tinnitus, so today I’ll specifically talk about how to deal with it. Tinnitus and ear fluid imbalance are actually the same kind of problem. If you have tinnitus, you might experience balance issues and dizziness after a while. The causes of tinnitus and imbalance are the same, possibly due to infection or mild inflammation of the inner ear nerves.

Today, I will introduce some methods to tell you how to completely reverse tinnitus. First, if your nerves have mild inflammation, and you’ve ruled out serious problems like nasopharyngeal carcinoma, acoustic neuroma, and Meniere’s disease, then you can consider your tinnitus as unexplained. So, how should we deal with it? Maybe it’s because you lack something or have inflammation. First, you need to supplement with zinc.

Zinc itself is like a natural antibiotic. Whether it’s a cold or other inflammation, you need to supplement with zinc. But Western medicine usually won’t prescribe zinc, as it’s considered a dietary supplement. About the dosage of zinc, I recommend a lower dose. You can buy zinc in different dosages at pharmacies, some are 50 mg per pill. I personally don’t like the high dosage, if you have tinnitus, I suggest taking 50 mg of zinc 4 to 5 times a day. I’ve tried one 50 mg zinc pill and felt a bit nauseous. So I prefer to split it up, like three times a day, 15 mg each time. This way, the stomach feels more comfortable. It’s best to take zinc after a meal for more stability, otherwise, it’s easy to feel nauseous.

If you really have a tinnitus problem, I recommend supplementing with 15 mg of zinc after each meal. As for how long to take it, since many people are unclear about this, I’ll explain here. If you have tinnitus, you can take 45 mg of zinc daily (15 mg per pill) for about a month. If your tinnitus noticeably improves, you can reduce the dosage, for example, in the first month take 15 mg three times a day. In the second month, take it twice a day, 15 mg each time. In the third month, take it once a day. About three months later, you may only need to supplement with zinc once or twice a week, as zinc is essential for the body. Zinc can boost immunity, and I personally also supplement regularly, such as once or twice a week, which can also help prevent colds. If you have tinnitus, zinc is the weapon of choice.

The second method is to supplement with vitamin B12. If you have tinnitus or ear fluid imbalance, it may be due to a lack of vitamin B12. Many modern people lack vitamin B12, but to varying degrees. One symptom of B12 deficiency is tinnitus and balance disorders. If you have tinnitus, I won’t immediately assume it’s nasopharyngeal carcinoma. I would consider inflammation and malnutrition. If these two directions are correct, you actually don’t need medication to improve.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include tinnitus and balance disorders. If your hands often feel a pain like being pricked by needles, or you have joint pain, then you are likely lacking B12. The process of supplementing B12 is somewhat complicated. When you first supplement B12, tinnitus will not disappear immediately, as it takes some time for B12 to be supplemented. Usually, it takes at least a month to see the effects. To completely eliminate tinnitus, it may take 3 to 4 months.

Regarding how to supplement B12, it’s simple. If you look at the daily recommended amount on websites, the upper limit for adults is usually 2.5 micrograms (mcg). But I recommend 1,000 micrograms (mcg) per day. Many people worry whether this is too much, as 1,000 mcg is far above the recommended 2.5 mcg. Actually, the absorption rate of B12 is very low. Even with a 500 mcg dosage, you can only absorb a small part of it. For people who are severely deficient in B12, it’s like a dry sponge needing to reabsorb water. Theoretically, B12 won’t be excessive, as excess B12 is excreted through urine. So you can safely use B12.

You can take a 1,000 mcg B12 pill daily, which is safe. I myself have been deficient in B12. I used to take two 1,000 mcg B12 pills daily, which is called the ‘maximum dose.’ I took it for a month and then gradually reduced the dose. If your deficiency isn’t that severe, taking one 1,000 mcg B12 pill daily is enough. Usually, if your tinnitus has lasted 10 to 15 years, you should see improvement after one or two months. This method has a high probability of reducing or even eliminating tinnitus, with at least a 70-80% success rate.

If you supplement with zinc, you can effectively deal with tinnitus. Of course, not everyone will be effective, but this is a general direction. If you are deficient in zinc or vitamin B12, you are likely to experience tinnitus.

Additionally, you need to supplement with a B-complex vitamin. Follow the instructions on the package, usually two pills a day. I recommend the Gadonov Rafi B-complex because it is derived from all plants and has no chemical additives. Vitamin B9 is also important, and its deficiency can also lead to tinnitus. So, by supplementing with the entire B-group vitamins along with zinc, your tinnitus can improve quickly, even if it has been for many years. Of course, you need to give this process enough time, possibly two to three months.

Next, I’ll introduce the second folk remedy: the black bean and rice recipe. Take one cup of black beans, one cup of rice, and four peeled ginger slices, with six bowls of water. First, fry the black beans and rice separately in a non-stick pan until golden brown, then wash them, put them in a pot, add ginger and six bowls of water. After boiling on high heat, simmer on low heat until only one bowl of water is left. Drink only this bowl of water, not the residue. This folk remedy was learned by Long Jiansheng from Yang Guanyi (the owner of Ayi Abalone). Some websites have tried this recipe and say it is effective. Although I haven’t tried this recipe myself, if many people say it works, I suggest you try it, as black beans and white rice are harmless in themselves.

The third folk remedy, I will list the method in a post on my blog. The link to the blog post will be placed in the ‘Show More’ section of the video.

These are the three folk remedies I’ve shared. If you like our channel, please remember to click the subscribe button in the bottom right corner and share it with friends who may need it. That’s all for today’s content, see you next time!