Do I need to take this nutritional supplement?

Hello everyone, welcome to a new episode of the Jembon Health Channel. I’m Jembon. Today, I’m going to respond to some requests from netizens, as many have asked me how to take this nutritional supplement. Specifically for today, I’ve recorded a program to explain how to use nutritional supplements. If you like our channel, please remember to click the subscribe button in the bottom right corner. If you really like the topics we discuss, please give us a like, click on the little bell icon, and then share it with your friends around you. Due to certain policies, the video you’re currently watching might touch on the interests of certain rights departments or interest groups and could be deleted or taken down. You can also browse my blog, where you can sponsor me, or click on the ads that sponsor me. This will allow me to produce more videos like this and help more people in need. Alright, let’s get into today’s topic.

Do we really need to take these nutritional supplements? At the University of Texas, a professor named David Dana conducted a study. He compared the soil from 1975 to 1997 and found that in 1997, calcium in the soil was 27% less than in 1975, iron 37% less, vitamin A 21% less, and vitamin C 30% less. There were also significant reductions in a range of B vitamins, magnesium, selenium, copper, and many trace elements.

His report goes up to 1997. If you look now, in 2023, the nutrients in the soil are probably even less.

Why is this the case? A big reason is our modern farming methods. Our current methods of cultivation are different from before. In the past, a field might be left fallow for half a year or three months after harvesting. But now, due to industrialized production and mass production of crops, there is almost no fallowing worldwide, unless it’s for organic vegetables, which some farmers still do. They use chemical fertilizers containing three main nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These elements make the plants grow big and fat, but actually, the nutritional content is almost gone.

If you think about it carefully, most things had decreased by two to three tenths by 1997. In the more than twenty years from 1997 to 2020, how much nutrition is left in the soil? It wouldn’t be surprising if it were only twenty to thirty percent of what it was in 1975. So to some extent, nutritional supplements are needed, unless you eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Especially today, people eat less fruit and not many vegetables, often eating meat or foods containing chemical ingredients when dining out, which actually have very little nutritional content.

Many times, we eat our fill, but actually, there is no nutrition. All diseases are due to toxin accumulation and malnutrition, including cancer and many immune system diseases, diabetes, hypertension, etc., all because of these reasons. Many netizens ask me how to take these nutritional supplements and what to be aware of.

This time, I will try to explain in detail what to pay attention to. First is the issue of age. Most of my programs are for older people, as most of my episodes are not about children’s health. For example, I’m not targeting young children or very young kids. If you are young, you should be careful with the super supplements discussed in the program. I’ll teach you how to check later. Especially for infants, it’s best not to use them. Unless you are very clear about what you are doing, it’s best to avoid them, as they are not yet fully developed and should not use too many supplements. They should eat more natural foods. But the overall food for children and infants is another topic, not the subject of our current program. So, if someone has children or kids under ten years old, it’s best to consult some doctors who specialize in natural remedies for children, or some foreign herbalists, or your own family doctor. But I don’t place much emphasis on Western medicine. I usually consult some foreign doctors of natural medicine.

Additionally, for pregnant mothers, I don’t think I’ve ever talked about any episode for pregnant women. So pregnant women are another category. Unmatured children and pregnant women, you can ignore the episodes I’ve talked about. You might really need to consult some natural medicine doctors, as they are experienced.

If you have other illnesses, like some netizens ask me, “I have eczema, and I have diabetes, can I use your eczema remedy?” I’ll teach you how to check in a bit.

Can nutritional supplements replace Western medicine?

I am often asked this question by netizens, like if they have diabetes and are taking diabetes medication. Then they hear my episode about improving diabetes with a remedy or some nutritional supplements, and ask me, “Should I buy it and eat it, then stop my Western medicine?”

Actually, the method I teach is, if you have never taken Western medicine, you can use some nutritional supplements or remedies without any problem. Using these will be quite natural. But if you have been continuously taking Western medicine, you need to be cautious. Because Western medicine and nutritional supplements are different. Nutritional supplements are actually more concentrated components extracted from food. If you give your body some time to adapt, they will definitely be helpful. But if you treat them like Western medicine, taking them today and stopping Western medicine tomorrow, that could cause problems. For example, with diabetes or blood pressure medication, it’s often like this. Now, when you take nutritional supplements, you are actually regulating your bodily functions, they don’t immediately adjust your high blood pressure.

If you’ve had high blood pressure for many years, it took a long time to develop. But if you take nutritional supplements or some natural foods, your body might not immediately adjust. Because all functions are absorbing nutrients, like dry wood soaking in water, it needs time to soften gradually.

If you suddenly stop Western medicine, your blood pressure might fluctuate drastically, shooting very high or dropping very low, which is unsafe.

So, what should you do? If you are taking Western medicine, like two pills a day for blood pressure, and also taking nutritional supplements, then continue to do so, but don’t take them at the same time, because sometimes they might cause your blood pressure to drop too low. Any nutritional supplement should not be taken together with Western medicine; it’s safer to space them at least two hours apart.

What should you do if you want to stop Western medicine? For example, if you have high blood pressure, continue taking your medication while also taking some nutritional supplements. Maybe after taking both for two or three months, if you really want to stop Western medicine, you can start reducing the dosage. For example, if you originally take two pills, you can reduce to 1.5. Gradually reduce like this, allowing your body time to adapt, while continuing to monitor your condition. If everything is normal, you might gradually reduce to no longer needing Western medicine.

Then, after another three months, you can reduce to taking just one pill a day, and continue like this for three more months. During this period, you can go to the hospital to check your health condition to see if your disease has worsened or improved after reducing one pill. If the situation improves, you can further reduce the dosage, for example, if you are already taking just one pill, then you can try reducing it by half. At the same time, you are still taking balanced nutritional supplements or other natural remedies. The whole process may take nine months to a year. After that, you still need to maintain a period of detoxification and nutritional supplementation, because you have accumulated many years of toxins in your body, which need time to be cleared, and at the same time, sufficient nutrition needs to be supplemented, so that your condition can be improved.

Many netizens ask me if they should stop taking Western medicine. Actually, I do not recommend suddenly completely stopping Western medicine. If you want to gradually reduce the dosage of Western medicine, I suggest you do it simultaneously, but if you feel the reaction is too strong, you can reduce the dosage of nutritional supplements, for example, if you originally drink 50 milliliters of supplements a day, you can reduce it to 25 milliliters, see how your body adapts, and then gradually increase back to 50 milliliters. Simply put, everything needs to be done slowly, don’t rush. I know everyone is anxious due to illness and hopes to improve their condition, but the recovery of the body really takes time. Give your body some time, don’t be too hasty, don’t stop all Western medicine at once. I’m not saying that Western medicine is entirely bad, but if you feel a lot of side effects, you also can’t stop immediately. It’s like an aircraft carrier, it can’t turn around immediately, it needs a process.

Now let’s talk about another topic, about the order of using nutritional supplements. What is the order of using nutritional supplements?

It means, if you have several diseases now, for example, I have cardiovascular problems, I have eczema, I have onychomycosis, and then I also have knee pain, how should I deal with it? Should I take a dozen nutritional supplements? Do I need to take them every day?

Actually, it’s not like that, and you shouldn’t do so. I’m now going to tell everyone a bigger principle, and you will understand. Because before, many years ago, I studied a course called Homeopathy. Homeopathy was actually invented by a person named Dr. Hahnemann, who used some non-material things to treat himself. But he had a concept, which I still find very logical today. What’s his big principle? If you have any disease, you should treat it from top to bottom, from inside to outside, from major organs to minor organs. What does that mean? If you have problems with your head, stomach, and feet, you should treat the head first. Understand?

So, treat from the top down, starting with the head. If you have problems both inside and outside, like your stomach hurts and your skin is inflamed, then treat the stomach first. It’s simple. Or treat from major organs to minor organs. The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys are the most important; what are minor organs? For example, the skin, which is relatively minor for the body.

Okay, let’s say this. If you have cardiovascular disease, diabetes, skin diseases, such as eczema or psoriasis, and joint pain, assuming you have these four diseases now, which one should you treat first? Actually, the simplest is the heart, treat the heart first. After treating the heart, then treat diabetes, then foot pain, i.e., knee pain, and finally treat the skin disease. Take it step by step, don’t rush to deal with everything at once. You shouldn’t use four different nutritional supplements and remedies simultaneously because you have four diseases.

Your body might not be able to handle that. If you have so many chronic diseases, your body might already be in poor condition, with many toxins and insufficient nutrition. But if you detoxify suddenly and rapidly replenish nutrition while dealing with all joint and skin problems at the same time, your body might not be able to handle it, and you could have detoxification reactions and feel very uncomfortable.

So what should you do? Take it slowly, step by step, first deal with cardiovascular issues, such as high blood pressure, etc., and then deal with diabetes. In fact, when your cardiovascular and diabetes problems are resolved, your skin problems may naturally improve. Many people have issues with their detoxification mechanism, like frequent constipation, and their bodies have many toxins, like MSG, heavy metals, etc. If you detoxify, improve intestinal health with probiotics and prebiotics, your eczema and skin inflammation may completely recover.

So, even for the eczema part, you don’t need to treat it specifically; it will naturally get better. Because the body’s problems usually develop from inside to outside, leading to skin problems, unless you are exposed to certain chemicals. So, you need to first deal with major organs, and once the major organs are healthy, many diseases of the minor organs will naturally improve. There are many such examples. So everyone should pay attention to this issue.

That’s all for today’s content. If you like our channel, please remember to click the subscribe button in the bottom right corner and share it with friends around you. See you in the next episode!